Principal Natume informs Himeji that Hiroto is now a real two star, having won a star from Seiran, but it is another of the 15 coloured stars; Akabane’s was Red, Seiren’s is Indigo. Natsume wants Hiroto to win seven coloured stars, making him the first “All Colour Seven Star”. Himeji transfers to Hiroto’s class, just in time for the Trial Games, where any student can challenge anyone without risking losing stars. The top five winners will then compete in the Inter-Academy competition. Classmate Akizuki approaches Hiroto but Himeji warns him to be cautious as Akizuki is a six star nicknamed Little Devil. Natsume warns Hiroto other academies are infiltrating to challenge him, plus the Green star held by Eimei Academy was stolen and will likely be used to challenge him since it increases intelligence. With Kagaya’s assistance Hiroto avoids pointless challengers, increasing his chances of being a top five participant. For unknown reasons Akizuki tries to frame Hiroto as a molester, but he is saved by quickly accepting a game challenge from Himeji. Himeji plans to lose on purpose but she is kidnapped by Akizuki to prevent them playing, and unless Himeji and Hiroto complete their game challenge within 24 hours they will both lose by default, costing Hiroto his place among the top five.